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At Wholesome Goods, furry friends are like our second family. Between weekly ‘Pupdates’ between departments and the “Wall of Shame” for the terribly naughty, yet ridiculously cute pets, it’s safe to say that our love of animals runs deep. This is especially true when it comes to dogs. 

That’s why, during National Dog Day, we took the time to catch up with four of our employees and their pups!


Ciara & Silas


How did you adopt your dog?

“I got him through a breeder in Kissimmee. I just became obsessed with golden doodles and joined all these facebook groups. I was probably stalking those Facebook groups for a year until finally I was like ‘I want this dog.’ Once I found a breeder that I liked, I went and picked him up.”

How did you know they were the one?

“When I met the breeder, she had two of him. [Silas] was originally Henry and he had a brother named Sam. When I saw them, Sam was super crazy and super ‘Oh my god, play with me!’ and [Silas] was kind of in the back like “hi, I’m nervous, but I’m here.” I wanted him because I thought Sam would be too much.”

How has your relationship changed from when you first got them to now?

“He’s my baby, he’s my child. I take him everywhere. I just love him. He’s like the most amazing thing in the world.”

What makes your relationship special?

“I don’t know if it’s partially how I raised him or partially his breed but he’s so loving. That’s the most amazing thing to me. I had dogs growing up and they never wanted to fully cuddle with me. With him, all 80lbs of him will just flop on top of me and he just wants to cuddle. He falls asleep on my chest. He’s just the sweetest thing in the whole world.”  

What is one piece of advice you would give to a first-time dog owner?

“Be prepared. I felt like when I got him, I wasn’t prepared. I was all ‘Oh a puppy, yay!’ but next thing I know I’m cleaning up all these messes, waking up at 7am to take him out and I just didn’t feel prepared.”

Describe your dog in 3 words

“Cuddly, goofy, and smart.”


Adrian & Shieba


How did you adopt your dog?

“I adopted her through the Tampa Bay Humane Society. I’ve had her since 2013, so she’s going on 8 years old. She was only 6 months old when I got her.”

How did you know they were the one?

“You know, she looks like this innocent dog that’s been betrayed over and over. She has the best puppy dog eyes. Now I know that it’s just her face.”

How has your relationship changed from when you first got them to now?

“Not much. She was a puppy then and the only reason she was at the adoption place was because she was peeing everywhere. She’s a puppy, you have to train her. I trained her and she’s grown up with me through college. I feel like our relationship has always been ‘she’s coming with me wherever I’m going.’”

What makes your relationship special?

“I would say that me and my dog have a more intimate relationship than other owners and their dogs. Some people don’t let their dogs sleep in the bed and I’m a huge proponent of that. Especially since I live on my own, it’s just her and I, so I feel like we have a very close connection. I think she’s a little clingy, but I need that in my life. She makes me feel needed.”

What is one piece of advice you would give to a first-time dog owner?

“Talk to your dog like you would talk to a person. If you’re telling your dog to do something, say it like you would to any other person. I think they listen a little bit better when it’s an even tone than if it’s a command. That’s how I like talking to my dog and I think she responds really well.”

Describe your dog in 3 words

“Princess, cat-like, and aloof.”


Sam & Harvey


How did you adopt your dog?

“We had a Great Dane prior to Harvey, but sadly lost her. We weren’t 100% sure if we wanted to go that route again, until we saw pictures of Harvey. He was so unique-looking and I instantly fell in love. My mom even flew him here from St. Louis – we wanted him as part of the family THAT bad. He even got to sit in the captain’s chair, too.”

How did you know they were the one?

“We actually didn’t get to meet Harvey before we got him. He’s from the Midwest, so we didn’t actually see him or interact with him until my mom flew with him down to Florida. We began to fall in love with him through pictures and videos, but the minute they walked into the airport and he popped his head out of the travel crate… we were done for. He’s been our best (not so little) buddy ever since. “

How has your relationship changed from when you first got them to now?

“Honestly, not much has changed from when we first got him. From day one he has been my shadow—following me everywhere, wanting to cuddle (he still thinks he’s a lap dog), and sometimes he even talks back when he’s not getting his way. He was immediately part of the family and now we can’t picture life without him.”

What makes your relationship special?

“He is the most human-like dog I have ever had. He can truly feel and understand vibes and has such a gentle soul. As I said, he’s my shadow so he understands my moods and I understand his. He knows when you need a snuggle sesh or a laugh.” 

What is one piece of advice you would give to a first-time dog owner?

“Patience—whether the dog is a puppy, rescue, older dog, whatever. Teaching, bonding, understanding queues all involve patience. It’s not always easy, but you have to remember they are dogs, and their life revolves around YOU. The least you can do is have a little patience with them and not give up on them.”

Describe your dog in 3 words

“Derpy. House. Cow. Just kidding…  Sweet, gentle giant!”


Wylona & Benji


How did you adopt your dog?

“My boyfriend and I got Benji at PetLand, he is the most impulsive purchase I have ever got in my life but he was worth it.”

How did you know they were the one?

“I got into those play rooms with him and once I started talking to him, his little nub wagged like crazy. I couldn’t leave him at the store.”

How has your relationship changed from when you first got them to now?

“He has more personality than from when we first got him, but he has always stayed super sweet.”

What makes your relationship special?

“He has become a huge mama’s boy and I love it.”

What is one piece of advice you would give to a first-time dog owner?

“Live somewhere where there is easy access to the outdoors for potty training, it’s been a struggle from the 3rd floor apartment with no elevator.”

Describe your dog in 3 words

“Small, fluffy, nugget.”