Image of PupGrade's SuperZoo booth at SuperZoo 2024

Excitement was in the air here at Wholesome as one of our ‘pawesome’ brands, PupGrade, made its grand debut at SuperZoo, North America’s largest annual pet trade show!

For the first time, our retail team had the incredible opportunity to travel to Las Vegas and showcase PupGrade as an “Emerging Brand” amidst a sea of innovative pet products and passionate industry professionals. SuperZoo is known for its vibrant atmosphere and unparalleled networking opportunities, making it the perfect stage for PupGrade to shine and connect with others who share our commitment to enhancing pet wellness.

We’re thrilled to share our journey and the amazing experiences we had at this landmark event, where every interaction and insight made our debut truly memorable.

Large white letters spelling "SUPERZOO 24" on a platform

SuperZoo: Where the Pet Industry Unites

At its core, SuperZoo is a vibrant hub for showcasing the latest in pet care and products, from revolutionary supplements, accessories, toys, food, and more! The sheer scale of the event is awe-inspiring, with countless booths and exhibits reflecting the diverse and rapidly evolving world of pet wellness. For brands like PupGrade, it’s a golden opportunity to shine a spotlight on our amazing products and make meaningful connections.

Whether it’s connecting with potential partners, discovering emerging trends, or simply mingling with fellow pet lovers, SuperZoo creates a collaborative environment that pushes the industry forward. It’s all about coming together to celebrate innovation and share our passion for pets.

A Pupgrade booth at SuperZoo 2024 displaying various dog supplements and treats. The booth features a large banner with the Pupgrade logo and the words "PREMIUM DOG SUPPLEMENTS." There are shelves stocked with colorful jars of supplements and treats, as well as a touchscreen device and other promotional materials.

PupGrade’s Booth: A Vision of Branding & Innovation

At SuperZoo, our booth was a true reflection of PupGrade’s vision and innovation. We wanted to create more than just a display—we aimed to show what PupGrade would look like on store shelves. Every detail was crafted to highlight our commitment to quality and our dedication to improving the lives of dogs.

Design & Strategy

PupGrade’s booth at SuperZoo was a standout example of thoughtful design and strategic branding. Despite the size limitation of our booth space in the Emerging Brands section, our display was small but mighty, capturing attention and making a lasting impression.

The goal was to create a visually appealing space that allowed buyers to imagine the potential of partnering with us and seeing our products in their stores. As Janan Issa, Director of Retail Sales & Operations, put it:

“Even though we have been around since 2017 we are emerging into the brick & mortar space this year! We wanted our booth to pop and to give buyers the vision of what PupGrade could look like on their store shelves.”

The success of our booth design was thanks to a fantastic collaboration with Julia Scheiber, Wholesome’s Director of Brand Creative. Julia’s expertise brought the vision to life, creating a space that was both inviting and impactful, with a hint of PupGrade’s playful side.

Kaitlyn Jurss, Retail Relationship Coordinator, emphasized how the booth’s design truly captured our brand’s essence:

“Jules did an amazing job reflecting our branding. The coloring of what she created plus our packaging really drew people into the booth!”

Booth Elements

The booth was set up with a range of engaging and eye-catching elements designed to capture attention and spark interest. We had vibrant product displays, sample bags, fun stickers, and business cards, all complemented by a captivating video that showcased what makes PupGrade unique.


To streamline information access, we included a QR code on our samples that directed visitors to our SuperZoo landing page for more details. This interactive approach not only enhanced our display, but also provided a seamless way for attendees to connect with us.

Adding a touch of fun, our retail team sported PupGrade shirts playfully designed by our creative team to reflect the Las Vegas vibe, making sure they fit right in with the event’s energetic atmosphere.

Highlights from the Event

From exciting interactions and unexpected surprises to valuable insights and trends, the event was a whirlwind of energy and discovery. We couldn’t wait to get the full report from our retail team when they returned!

Here’s a look at some of the key highlights that made PupGrade’s SuperZoo experience one for the books:

Customer Feedback

PupGrade’s branding received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, who were impressed by the booth’s retail readiness and the overall presentation of the products. As Janan put it:

“Everyone seemed to love our branding which was so exciting to hear! We have put a lot of hard work into the brand so every time someone commented on how ‘retail ready’ it looked I couldn’t help but brag about our awesome design team.”

The strong interest in PupGrade’s samples hinted at exciting possibilities for expanding our efforts, with the team already exploring new ideas sparked by the event (but we don’t want to give out too many surprises!).

The enthusiastic feedback underscored the success of PupGrade’s debut at SuperZoo and the potential for growth in our future.

Memorable Moments & Interactions

SuperZoo 2024 was more than just a trade show for the PupGrade team—it was an unforgettable journey filled with rewarding experiences and valuable connections. From the excitement of meeting industry leaders to the pride of seeing their carefully crafted booth come to life, each moment added to the significance of PupGrade’s debut on this grand stage.

Kaitlyn summed up the memorable experience perfectly:

“The rewarding feeling of seeing our booth set up for the first time was such a neat experience and one I felt so proud of. Really taking in the moment that we planned it all and it all came together so well! The relationships we created while at the show made it even better. Friendships that provided us with great insights into the retail industry and introductions to people that can help PupGrade grow. SuperZoo was an experience we took full advantage of and I believe we got great reward!”

Surprises & Trends

SuperZoo’s sheer scale was an eye-opener—there were endless discoveries around every corner. It’s amazing to see the diversity and innovation within the pet industry.

Notable trends Kaitlyn observed were a strong focus on grooming products and supplements.

“I’m not sure if this was just because there was a grooming competition at the Expo, but I noticed a lot of grooming supplies like shampoos, combs, ear cleaning, shedding tools, etc. Of course there was a plentiful amount of supplements, which we love to see. And lots of toys and travel accessory booths!”

Which makes sense—This aligns with the surge in pet ownership in 2024 and the growing emphasis on pet well-being. As families form stronger bonds with their pets, there’s an increased demand for products that support their happiness and health.

A display at SuperZoo featuring several stuffed animal dogs and cats in various colors and poses. The display is set up on a platform with the word "SUPERZOO" in large letters.

Lessons & Advice for Future Exhibitors

After their successful debut at SuperZoo, the PupGrade team gained valuable insights that could benefit future exhibitors.

From the power of networking to maximizing every opportunity the event offers, these lessons are key to making the most of such a significant industry showcase.

Here’s what the team learned and their advice for those looking to follow in their footsteps (or pawprints):

Networking & Building Relationships

One of the most valuable aspects of attending SuperZoo is the opportunity to network and build relationships with industry peers. In fact, one major piece of advice Janan offers newbies planning to go to the next SuperZoo is:

“Network!! And don’t be afraid to approach people! We met so many awesome people in the pet industry just from talking to the people at the booths around us and chatting at the bars and restaurants after the show!”

Maximizing the Experience

Making the most of an event like SuperZoo involves more than just focusing on your own booth; it’s essential to explore the entire floor and engage with as many brands as possible. Taking the time to walk around allows you to discover new trends and innovations, which can be just as valuable as the connections you make. As Janan put it:

“Give yourself time to look around at all of the other brands. There is so much to see and do at these events that walking the floor can sometimes be the lowest priority as a brand, but it is important to see what else is out there and check out the innovation in the pet space!”

Future Strategies

For exhibitors aiming to enhance their presence at future events, strategically showcasing your products can make a significant difference. One effective approach Kaitlyn points out is to submit your products to the New Product area, especially if you’re part of the Emerging Brands section.

“If you are going to be in the Emerging Brands section, also submit your product to the New Product area. It will bring more traffic coming to find you!”

By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can maximize exposure and make a lasting impression on potential customers and industry peers alike.

A Big ‘Woofin’ Thank You to Everyone Involved

Our debut at SuperZoo was truly a collaborative effort, and we couldn’t have done it without the combined talents of so many of our teams. From the creative minds who helped design our standout booth and created an inspiring promo video to those who ensured everything ran smoothly behind the scenes, every part of PupGrade was represented in this success. A special shoutout goes to our amazing retail team, who traveled to the event and worked tirelessly to showcase PupGrade to the industry.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this milestone—we’re excited to keep moving forward together!

So…What’s Next?

With their first SuperZoo experience officially in books, PupGrade is more energized than ever to continue expanding its reach in the pet industry.

The insights and connections gained at the event are already being put into action as the team strategizes their next steps. From exploring new product ideas sparked by customer feedback to refining its retail presence, PupGrade is focused on taking the momentum from SuperZoo and turning it into tangible growth. As they look ahead, the team is excited about the possibilities and ready to make even bigger waves in the industry.

Stay tuned—there’s much more to come from PupGrade!